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Observe o exemplo:

  • He will be studying tomorrow at 5 o’ clock.
  • I will be working in Japan next year.

O futuro continuo expressa ações que estarão ocorrendo em algum tempo no futuro.

É formado por will be e pelo verbo principal com a terminação ing.


A interrogativa e a negativa do futuro contínuo seguem o futuro simples.

  • Will he be studying tomorrow at 5 o’ clock?  (interrogativa)
  • He will not (won’t) be studying tomorrow at 5 o’ clock.  (negativa)



3 – Supply the future continuous tense of the verbs in parentheses.
a) you (travel) by the end of next week?

b) Tomorrow, at 5 o’ clock, my parents (arrive) from Europe.

c) I can’t meet you in the afternoon. I (practice) tennis.

d) They (fly) over the Caribbean tonight.

e) the children (sleep) at about 10 o’ clock?

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