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Observe os exemplos:

(afirmativa)       Jonh will work in an automobile company next year.

(interrogative)   Will Jonh work in an automobile company next year?

(negative)         Jonh will not (won’t) work in an automobile company last year





Will I work?

eu trabalharei?

Yes, I will.

No, I won't.

Will you work?

você trabalhará?

Yes, you will.

No, you won't

Will he work?

ele trabalhará?

Yes, he will.

No, he won't.

Will she work?

ela trabalhará?

Yes, she will.

No, she won't.

Will it work?

ele(a) trabalhará?

Yes, it will.

No, it won't.

Will we work?

nós trabalharemos?

Yes, we will.

No, we won't.

Will you work?

vocês trabalharão?

Yes, you will.

No, you won't.

Will they work?

eles(as) trabalharão?

Yes, they will.

No, they won't


Will you take those medicines?

[Você tomará aqueles remédios?]


Will the United States help the other countries?

[Os Estados Unidos ajudarão os outros países?]


Veja um exemplo de diálogo usando I e you:

- Will you come with us to the party? [Você virá conosco à festa?]

- No, I won't. [Não, não vou.]


2 – Put the sentences into the negative and the interrogative.



a) The scientist will tell about the computer.

b) They will connect it to the central computer.

c) Our company will increase its production.

d) Solar energy will be an alternative kind of energy.

e) Changes will occur in the control panel of the car.

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