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1)  Corrija os erros das seguintes frases:

a) We is from Venezuela.

b) Venezuela are in South America.

c) He is a writer. Her name is Jennifer.

d) Susan not is my friend.

e) Where you are from?

f) This is Mr. Smith. Your son is in my class.


2)  Troque as palavras grifadas pelos pronomes pessoais.

a)    Hello. I am John. My last name is Smith. My last name is an American name.


b)    My family and I are from USA. Lucy is my mother. My mother is from a town in Seattle


c)     The town is very small.


d)    Peter is my father. My father is from New York


e)    New York is a big city in the East of USA.


f)     My parents are in Brazil now. My parents are on vacation.


g)    My sisters and I are not happy alone. My sisters are always mad at me


h)    My brother is lucky. My brother is not at home.


i)      My brother is at college. The college is far away.